- Teacher: PM. Dr. Azidah Abu Ziden azidahziden@gmail.com
- Teacher: Dr. Noor Dayana Abd Halim noordayana@utm.my
- Teacher: Dr. Nurbiha A. Shukor nurbiha@utm.my
- Teacher: Prof. Madya Dr. Aziah Ismail ST0003
- Teacher: Dr. Rozniza Zaharudin ST0004
- Teacher: Dr. Nor Asniza Ishak ST0005
- Teacher: Dr. Siti Zuraidah Md. Osman ST0006
- Teacher: Ts. Dr. Irwan Mahazir Ismail ST0007
- Teacher: PM. Dr. Jamalludin Harun ST0009
- Teacher: Dr. Norah Md Noor ST0010
- Teacher: En. Hemmy Abd Jalal ST0012
This module will expose you to on how your digital content. We are going to expose you to various part in designing digital content tools to help you to organise your digital content. We hope that you will enjoy your journey in this module

As training, workshops and learning takes place online, it is time for educators to put the designed content into digital content. Development of digital content can be from already available materials from open source, or self-developed. This course will help participants to develop open source digital content, video digital content, graphic digital content, audio digital content, interactive digital content as well as digital assessments. Participants will also be guided on how to share the developed digital content over platforms such as Slide Share, Youtube or Google Classroom.

- Teacher: ABD RASYID BIN RAMLI 202206010562
- Teacher: Dr. Nurbiha A. Shukor nurbiha@utm.my
Hi all,
Online courses can be used as an effective way to structure and deliver teaching and training. Designing good online module requires skills such as choosing the platform, structuring the content and using appropriate tools to design engaging learning activities (including assessments).
This module will expose you to the use of Instructional Design (ID) Model to support the development of your online modules. The ID process is usually based on one of many different theoretical models. The one that’s best known and most widely used is called ADDIE, an acronym for the five phases in the model: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. Enjoy your journey in this course.